Monday, 1 April 2013

More People

We're in Kasane, Botswana today, relaxing by the Chobe River and getting a few minor repairs done (unbeknownst to us, a faulty catch let our roof pop open on the highway yesterday, so we were cruising along with a tent flapping high above us. Went through a police checkpoint, and the man circled the truck with a bemused expression, then waved us through, though we must have looked bizarre!). Tomorrow we drive into Zimbabwe, but today I'll just post some leftover pics from the Caprivi Strip in the far NE of Namibia.
They may not appear in this order, but there's a group of children singing and drumming in true busker fashion; a woman who'd just caught a fish in the Okavanga river; girls waving hello; my fave, taken quickly out the window, of a boy keeping his oxen off the highway as we sped by; and some schoolboys going home, unusual for having stylish runners just like Canadian teens.
BTW, Jen had the best birthday chorus ever yesterday morning - the whole young black staff of our campsite singing a song in Lauzi that meant basically 'this is the best day for Jenny'. Beautiful harmony and power, and they did 3 other songs since they were enjoying it as much as we were. Ask to see the video sometime!
Thanks for all your comments and good wishes on email, Facebook etc - we miss you all...

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